I took the dogs out for a walk a couple of days ago. The air was crisp and hoar frost clung to the branches of the willows and aspens and evergreens in our yard. Sun glistened on the frozen crystals making them glitter like diamonds. Days like that really are when winter shows her true […]
With apologies to my high school drama teacher…

I owe my high school drama teacher an apology. When I took Drama 10 I had expectations that were plainly different than my teacher’s. To say we didn’t see eye to eye would be an understatement. I know she felt I was difficult. I know that because she wrote it on my report card. I […]
What I lost in the woods…

Something Told The Wild Geese Something told the wild geeseIt was time to go.Though the fields lay goldenSomething whispered,’Snow.’ Leaves were green and stirring,Berries, luster-glossed,But beneath warm feathersSomething cautioned,’Frost.’ All the sagging orchardsSteamed with amber spice,But each wild breast stiffenedAt remembered ice. Something told the wild geeseIt was time to fly,Summer sun was on their […]
Mastering the Fine Art of Forgetfulness…

Have you ever struggled to remember something? Have you had that moment of frustration when you get up from your chair, take two steps to go get something and while your foot moves forward into the third step you realize you have completely and utterly forgotten what it was you were going to get? Have […]
A new song for the season…

We all go through seasons in life. Youth is a season. Raising a family is a season. Establishing a career is a season. You know what I mean. We all have them. Some of those seasons are busy and some are less so. The past few years have been more a season of rest for […]
Why I hate winter a little less than I used to…

I don’t love snow. I don’t even really like snow. I’ve never liked it. That’s a problem when you live in a part of the world where it is winter for a solid six months. I’m flexing my optimism muscles there because if you live where I do you know that six months of winter […]
Bring on the Big 5-0!

There are 53 days left before I turn 50. I wrote that sentence and thought how many hours is that? So like an idiot I googled it and found a countdown that showed me in real time – a clock…counting down…53 days…12 hours…34 minutes…23 seconds…22 seconds…21 seconds…yikes! I looked at it for as long as […]
Zooming in for a better perspective…

I have the most beautiful piece of art hanging on the wall above my desk and while I have looked at it countless times since it was hung there, it has taught me something new about perspective. Position… It is a stunning photo taken by my brother at Fairy Lake on Vancouver Island. Rising from […]
The secret world of spiders and web-spinners…

Somewhere along the way our pup has conned me into a particular morning routine. She’s good about waiting patiently in her kennel until I wake up. I set her free from her nightly confinement and give her a happy ‘good morning’ petting. Rosie races up the stairs and, I confess that for me, it’s more […]
Don’t have a cow…bird

“Nature is cruel, but we don’t have to be.” Dr. Temple Grandin, American professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University and advocate for the autistic community It was about a week ago that they showed up at the feeder; a tiny dark-eyed junco and the fledgling baby it was caring for. We’ve got quite […]