“Nature is cruel, but we don’t have to be.” Dr. Temple Grandin, American professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University and advocate for the autistic community It was about a week ago that they showed up at the feeder; a tiny dark-eyed junco and the fledgling baby it was caring for. We’ve got quite […]
Sunday meditation on spring, birdsong, and grief…

I am sitting on the trunk of a fallen aspen in the woods behind our house. My eyes are closed and my face is lifted to the sun which is already quite high in the eastern sky. It was cold overnight; cold enough to freeze the water laying in the low spots on the trail. […]
Seeing with the eyes of the heart

The tiny owl sat in the uppermost branches of the cottonwood tree behind my house. Despite the harassment from blue jays, grosbeaks, chickadees, and red polls, he tucked his head beneath his wing. At that moment, he wasn’t looking for a meal which the small birds could have easily provided had the little owl been […]