I don’t love snow. I don’t even really like snow. I’ve never liked it. That’s a problem when you live in a part of the world where it is winter for a solid six months. I’m flexing my optimism muscles there because if you live where I do you know that six months of winter […]
The tale of my magic shoes

There is one story that pretty much sums up my childhood relationship with my sister. It is a sad and tragic tale about my most favourite shoes ever. Practically magic I don’t remember how they came into my possession; they were probably hand-me-down shoes from my cousins, but they were the most ah-mazing shoes! Practically […]
The folly of boys OR How the outhouse lost its lid

I don’t often share my poetry outside of my family. They’re usually stories from our family lore that are retold in a poem for a special occasion, most often ‘given’ as a gift to my parents. I don’t even recall which event this one was for, but I’m sharing it by request. Growing up on […]
Don’t worry Mom, it’s just a harmless garter snake

There is no earthly reason why I should be awake already. It’s 5:05 am and my eyes popped open at 3:58. That’s gross. Bad dreams Why is it that when I wake up in the middle of the night I can’t go all Julie Andrews …”these are a few of my favourite things” and drift […]
So you want to be a Life Coach for kids?

I will confess that I likely spend more time on Facebook than I need to. I am careful to curate my newsfeed regularly so that what I see is, for the most part, what I want to see: important or meaningful updates from the lives of my friends, inspiring and uplifting stories, and news from […]
Summer nostalgia

It is a hot day for northern BC. The mercury is supposed to stop rising at 29 degrees Celsius. That’s 84 degrees Fahrenheit for those of you south of the border. I know not everyone considers that hot, but here in the north, it’s hot. We don’t often break 30 degrees in the summer and […]
The bogeyman and other lies from my childhood

Little B and I were taking a stroll around the yard, heading toward the back of the shop in search of the deer that have been hanging around. We rounded the corner when suddenly Little B gives a yank on my hand, puts a finger to his lips and says, “Gramma, sshhhh.” He points vigorously […]
They all end with a bang…

For a while now, I’ve been thinking of writing about my complicated relationship with animals. Pets, really. I’ve thought long and hard about it for a couple of reasons: I know, with absolute certainty, that I am going to offend someone. I don’t like to offend people, but it’s going to happen if I write a post […]
The Day of Great Humiliation

Everyone else was laughing. I wasn’t. I was hunched down in my seat, face turned toward the bus window…waiting…waiting until my stop when I could get off that stupid school bus and away from those rotten boys. At the time I was glad there weren’t more kids left on the bus, but I also knew […]