A week or so ago, I was watching the news and a woman was recounting the story of a traumatic event. It was clear she was struggling with the words and when her voice finally broke and tears fell, she choked out two words…”I’m sorry.” I thought, “What on earth does she have to apologize […]
Love at the end…

I thought I knew about love. I thought I knew about loss. I did. And I didn’t. What I am feeling now, experiencing now, is something I didn’t know about. This kind of love requires more than I knew I had in me to give. We are having a long goodbye. Dad is so near […]
Light from the dark places

“Ring the bells that still can ring, Forget your perfect offering. There’s a crack in everything, That’s how the light gets in.” Leonard Cohen died this week. While I may not have cared for his vocal stylings, you cannot deny the man was a gifted poet. The words above are lyrics from his song Anthem […]