The tiny owl sat in the uppermost branches of the cottonwood tree behind my house. Despite the harassment from blue jays, grosbeaks, chickadees, and red polls, he tucked his head beneath his wing. At that moment, he wasn’t looking for a meal which the small birds could have easily provided had the little owl been […]
Emotional correctness
Emotional apologies

A week or so ago, I was watching the news and a woman was recounting the story of a traumatic event. It was clear she was struggling with the words and when her voice finally broke and tears fell, she choked out two words…”I’m sorry.” I thought, “What on earth does she have to apologize […]
How I learned to talk so people will listen…

I live about a half hour from town so I do a lot of driving. I prefer talk radio so my choices are limited to CBC, which I enjoy, or podcasts that I download because I’m too cheap to pay for so-called “commercial-free” satellite radio. My favourite podcast is TEDRadio. They are a mashup of […]