My mother taught me a lot of things. She taught me to bake a delicious pie and roast a chicken. She taught me how to sew on a button and embroider a pillowcase. She taught me the importance of not cutting paper with my fabric scissors. Like I said, she taught me a lot of […]
They all end with a bang…

For a while now, I’ve been thinking of writing about my complicated relationship with animals. Pets, really. I’ve thought long and hard about it for a couple of reasons: I know, with absolute certainty, that I am going to offend someone. I don’t like to offend people, but it’s going to happen if I write a post […]
Rethinking the “Golden Years”

I went to visit my Aunt the other day. She’s living in an extended care facility. While her mind is sharp, her body has betrayed her with the tremors of Parkinson’s disease and brittle bones. Her life has been reduced to mostly the confines of her room, which is decorated with the beautiful and intricate […]
It wouldn’t be Christmas without it

I am so flipping excited that it is Christmas Eve! Not that you would know it to look at me. I’m not one of those ‘jump up and down shout it out excited’ kind of people, but the inner me is doing some serious holiday dancing! Today our kids and little people will arrive to […]
Learning lessons from our little people

Our little people were out for a visit yesterday. My goodness, but the house comes to life when they walk in the door! They go straight to the hall cupboard where the toys are kept and promptly start dragging things out. Playtime commences. I think there are a few things that they enjoy the most […]
Laughter really is the best medicine

There aren’t very many people who can make me laugh the way my siblings can. Maybe it is because we know each other so well and have shared history. More likely it is because we share the same bizarre sense of humour. We tell the same jokes, even when we don’t know we’re doing it. […]