Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy […]
Who’s your neighbour?

When I was little there was a song on the kids show Sesame Street that went something like this: Who are the people in your neighbourhood? In your neighbourhood. In your neigh…bour…hood… Say, who are the people in your neighbourhood? It ended with this little bit of wisdom: They’re the people that you meet when […]
The truth about my Facebook Year in Review video

The past few days my Facebook news feed has been flooded with personalized 2017 Year in Review videos. Did you have one? Did you watch it? What did you think? Did you edit it before you shared it? I watched about half a dozen before I watched my own. You know what I thought? I […]
Suffering from seasonal friendship disorder…

This past spring I decided to try something new in my garden and I potted some succulents. I suppose it wasn’t so much a decision as it was resignation that I had come too late to the gardening party. When I went to the garden store in search of spring plants there was a distinct […]
For the girl in the Harry Potter hat…

I was standing in the children’s section of a bookstore the other day when I first saw her. A young girl with her back to me was in earnest conversation with one of the clerks. I was guesstimating her age at about 10 maybe 11 years old. I’d had to edge past her to get […]
Remembering Margaret…or not…

July 18, 1995 Dear Margaret, Hi there! You just popped into my mind! Whenever that happens – you know – you’re thinking about something and out of the blue a memory of a person comes up – I write that person a letter or note. I suddenly remembered the day I came by to tell […]
This isn’t goodbye

I hate goodbyes. I hate leaving someone and not knowing when or if I will ever see them again. Goodbyes make me want to cry. Goodbyes do make me cry. Since sometime in December, I have been in the process of saying goodbye to my friend. It began with a fall. Actually, I think I’ll […]