Grandma. I never expected to be one so soon. I was only 40 when our first Little made an appearance. No one asked if I was ready to be a Grandma, they just told me I was one. Let me tell you something though (I’m sure you’ve heard this from others), grandparenting rocks! Bonus round… […]
Summer nostalgia

It is a hot day for northern BC. The mercury is supposed to stop rising at 29 degrees Celsius. That’s 84 degrees Fahrenheit for those of you south of the border. I know not everyone considers that hot, but here in the north, it’s hot. We don’t often break 30 degrees in the summer and […]
People keep asking…

Not quite two months ago we became grandparents again and people keep asking me if it’s different this time. No. That beautiful baby does what all babies do: eats, sleeps, and dirties diapers. Nothing out of the ordinary really, at least not yet. So why do people keep asking if this time is different? Because […]
How a 3 year-old is helping me make sense of the world

Can you remember the last time you had a brand new, completely unique experience? You know, the kind of moment when you had to struggle to make sense of the world? Sometimes we find ourselves struggling to make something fit into our frame of reference, to make sense of what we are experiencing. It happens […]
Slowing down for a second chance

Last weekend our kids and little people were out for a visit. The sun was shining, a beautiful blue sky overhead and not a breath of wind, it was a good day for a walk in the woods. There is a beautiful trail near our home that winds through the forest. At the point where […]
Learning lessons from our little people

Our little people were out for a visit yesterday. My goodness, but the house comes to life when they walk in the door! They go straight to the hall cupboard where the toys are kept and promptly start dragging things out. Playtime commences. I think there are a few things that they enjoy the most […]