I am the first person to admit that I’m kind of hitting middle age. Sorry. Had to take a minute there. Truth told? I’m definitely not the first person rushing to say I’m middle-aged. It’s a stupid term anyway. I need something better…but I got nothing. I’ll work on it, but I’m open to suggestions. […]
Rules of Grandparenting – Rule #4

Grandma. I never expected to be one so soon. I was only 40 when our first Little made an appearance. No one asked if I was ready to be a Grandma, they just told me I was one. Let me tell you something though (I’m sure you’ve heard this from others), grandparenting rocks! Bonus round… […]
Turning around a bad day…

Thursday night I fell into bed utterly exhausted. I had struggled to stay awake until 9:30, admitted defeat and trudged off to bed. No sooner did my head hit the pillow than my eyes popped open. I tried, oh how I tried to go to sleep. At 12:30, I got up and went to find […]
Laughter really is the best medicine

There aren’t very many people who can make me laugh the way my siblings can. Maybe it is because we know each other so well and have shared history. More likely it is because we share the same bizarre sense of humour. We tell the same jokes, even when we don’t know we’re doing it. […]