I took the dogs out for a walk a couple of days ago. The air was crisp and hoar frost clung to the branches of the willows and aspens and evergreens in our yard. Sun glistened on the frozen crystals making them glitter like diamonds. Days like that really are when winter shows her true […]
life lessons
A new song for the season…

We all go through seasons in life. Youth is a season. Raising a family is a season. Establishing a career is a season. You know what I mean. We all have them. Some of those seasons are busy and some are less so. The past few years have been more a season of rest for […]
Bring on the Big 5-0!

There are 53 days left before I turn 50. I wrote that sentence and thought how many hours is that? So like an idiot I googled it and found a countdown that showed me in real time – a clock…counting down…53 days…12 hours…34 minutes…23 seconds…22 seconds…21 seconds…yikes! I looked at it for as long as […]
The secret world of spiders and web-spinners…

Somewhere along the way our pup has conned me into a particular morning routine. She’s good about waiting patiently in her kennel until I wake up. I set her free from her nightly confinement and give her a happy ‘good morning’ petting. Rosie races up the stairs and, I confess that for me, it’s more […]
A lesson in life from the birch tree…

I spent nearly all day at my desk writing a funeral service; hour upon hour steeped in memories that aren’t mine. I spent my day holding the grief of a family in my hands and in my heart as I struggled to find the words to do justice to 94 years of living. I spent […]
Beauty…much more than skin deep

Beauty is pain I think I was probably about 15 years old the first time I had my hair coloured. That was in the mid ‘80’s when ‘frosted’ hair was all the rage in the beauty industry. I sat in a kitchen chair with a plastic cap tied tightly on my head while my mother […]
Lean into the light

Robert Macfarlane – word of the day – phototropism – in plants and other organisms, the tendency to bend or grow in response to sunlight; in an animal or human, yearning for the sun, turning to the light. Sunshine makes me happy This summer I had a big pot of tiny bright orange marigolds on […]
A new lesson from the birds and the bees

Let me tell you ’bout the birds… The other day, I was sitting in the dining room, eating breakfast, and watching the birds at the feeder because you know how I love to watch the birds. There were three – three! – nuthatches at the feeder! At the same time! That’s never happened before! Sorry, […]
Decision-making on the fly…

I’ve never been much of a risk taker. I like the comfort of the known. And if I find myself facing a decision, I’ve learned to have a good bit of information so I can make an informed choice. Sometimes I envy those who can just leap into the unknown, throwing caution to the wind. […]
Tree hugging, forest bathing, and other curious things…

A screenshot I saved from the twitter feed of author Robert Macfarlane knowing that this was validation of my own affinity for trees and one day I would write about it. For the love of trees… For the past several days I have been surrounded by trees; massive cedars and firs that tower above in […]