I am sitting on the trunk of a fallen aspen in the woods behind our house. My eyes are closed and my face is lifted to the sun which is already quite high in the eastern sky. It was cold overnight; cold enough to freeze the water laying in the low spots on the trail. […]
Forget hot yoga, try cold meditation!

I am standing in the middle of our driveway, looking to the south, face tipped up to the sun, eyes closed. It has warmed up significantly the past couple of days to a balmy -10C, but in the sun it feels much warmer. My north side feels the chill bite of the north wind and […]
Lessons in control from a squirrel

Sunday morning I was sitting in my chair working on a crochet project. The house was quiet, really quiet. My Sweet is working the night shift this week and so he sleeps during the day, or at least he tries to. I’m keeping an eye on the cat because she’s been a little demanding lately, […]