Have you ever struggled to remember something? Have you had that moment of frustration when you get up from your chair, take two steps to go get something and while your foot moves forward into the third step you realize you have completely and utterly forgotten what it was you were going to get? Have […]
Why I hate winter a little less than I used to…

I don’t love snow. I don’t even really like snow. I’ve never liked it. That’s a problem when you live in a part of the world where it is winter for a solid six months. I’m flexing my optimism muscles there because if you live where I do you know that six months of winter […]
Summer nostalgia

It is a hot day for northern BC. The mercury is supposed to stop rising at 29 degrees Celsius. That’s 84 degrees Fahrenheit for those of you south of the border. I know not everyone considers that hot, but here in the north, it’s hot. We don’t often break 30 degrees in the summer and […]
The day my brain let me down…again…

Let’s see. Can I think back over my morning and find some aberration that explains what happened at lunch? Something, anything, that explains why my brain disconnected so spectacularly? I had my usual mini-carafe of coffee to start the day. It’s not quite a carafe, but almost. It’s 16 ounces of bright red ceramic, sturdy, […]
Remembering Margaret…or not…

July 18, 1995 Dear Margaret, Hi there! You just popped into my mind! Whenever that happens – you know – you’re thinking about something and out of the blue a memory of a person comes up – I write that person a letter or note. I suddenly remembered the day I came by to tell […]