Have you ever struggled to remember something? Have you had that moment of frustration when you get up from your chair, take two steps to go get something and while your foot moves forward into the third step you realize you have completely and utterly forgotten what it was you were going to get? Have […]
middle age
Bring on the Big 5-0!

There are 53 days left before I turn 50. I wrote that sentence and thought how many hours is that? So like an idiot I googled it and found a countdown that showed me in real time – a clock…counting down…53 days…12 hours…34 minutes…23 seconds…22 seconds…21 seconds…yikes! I looked at it for as long as […]
Looking through a new lens…

“Look at that sign across the street! I can read that sign!” I said excitedly. Tugging on My Sweet’s hand I exclaimed, “Oh my gosh, can you see that? That little sign down the street? I can see that! I can READ that!” If I was a ‘dancing in the streets Mary Tyler Moore-esque twirling, […]