Something Told The Wild Geese Something told the wild geeseIt was time to go.Though the fields lay goldenSomething whispered,’Snow.’ Leaves were green and stirring,Berries, luster-glossed,But beneath warm feathersSomething cautioned,’Frost.’ All the sagging orchardsSteamed with amber spice,But each wild breast stiffenedAt remembered ice. Something told the wild geeseIt was time to fly,Summer sun was on their […]
A new song for the season…

We all go through seasons in life. Youth is a season. Raising a family is a season. Establishing a career is a season. You know what I mean. We all have them. Some of those seasons are busy and some are less so. The past few years have been more a season of rest for […]
The secret world of spiders and web-spinners…

Somewhere along the way our pup has conned me into a particular morning routine. She’s good about waiting patiently in her kennel until I wake up. I set her free from her nightly confinement and give her a happy ‘good morning’ petting. Rosie races up the stairs and, I confess that for me, it’s more […]
Don’t have a cow…bird

“Nature is cruel, but we don’t have to be.” Dr. Temple Grandin, American professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University and advocate for the autistic community It was about a week ago that they showed up at the feeder; a tiny dark-eyed junco and the fledgling baby it was caring for. We’ve got quite […]
A lesson in life from the birch tree…

I spent nearly all day at my desk writing a funeral service; hour upon hour steeped in memories that aren’t mine. I spent my day holding the grief of a family in my hands and in my heart as I struggled to find the words to do justice to 94 years of living. I spent […]
Forget hot yoga, try cold meditation!

I am standing in the middle of our driveway, looking to the south, face tipped up to the sun, eyes closed. It has warmed up significantly the past couple of days to a balmy -10C, but in the sun it feels much warmer. My north side feels the chill bite of the north wind and […]
A new lesson from the birds and the bees

Let me tell you ’bout the birds… The other day, I was sitting in the dining room, eating breakfast, and watching the birds at the feeder because you know how I love to watch the birds. There were three – three! – nuthatches at the feeder! At the same time! That’s never happened before! Sorry, […]
Tree hugging, forest bathing, and other curious things…

A screenshot I saved from the twitter feed of author Robert Macfarlane knowing that this was validation of my own affinity for trees and one day I would write about it. For the love of trees… For the past several days I have been surrounded by trees; massive cedars and firs that tower above in […]
An Ordinary Day

Today was an ordinary day. I woke, dressed in a t-shirt and comfortable, flannel pants. I made coffee with cream in my favourite red mug. I took it outside, walked along the boardwalk to the pond in the front yard. I sat in my chair and drank my coffee, savouring every sip while I watched […]