Grandma. I never expected to be one so soon. I was only 40 when our first Little made an appearance. No one asked if I was ready to be a Grandma, they just told me I was one. Let me tell you something though (I’m sure you’ve heard this from others), grandparenting rocks! Bonus round… […]
So you want to be a Life Coach for kids?

I will confess that I likely spend more time on Facebook than I need to. I am careful to curate my newsfeed regularly so that what I see is, for the most part, what I want to see: important or meaningful updates from the lives of my friends, inspiring and uplifting stories, and news from […]
Love at the end…

I thought I knew about love. I thought I knew about loss. I did. And I didn’t. What I am feeling now, experiencing now, is something I didn’t know about. This kind of love requires more than I knew I had in me to give. We are having a long goodbye. Dad is so near […]
Practicing gratitude

At the end of December I started thinking about the New Year and what I wanted to accomplish and if I should try to set a resolution for myself. I tossed it around for a while because I don’t really like New Year’s resolutions. I have never been truly successful with them and I don’t […]