The squirrel is back. Do you remember the squirrel? He taught me some valuable lessons on letting go. That smart little Chip (or Dale) reminded me that I’m not in control of the whole world. It’s ok if you don’t remember, you can click here and go back and remind yourself. Hang on. Chip and […]
Ordinary is never really ordinary…

On the outside, people generally look quite ordinary. For the most part, we dress the same, we comb our hair, and we go about the world in a similar way. Occasionally you will see a colourful character that stands out from the crowd like the man yesterday. He was seated at a sidewalk café opposite […]
Walking a different path…

There’s a German proverb that says, “Sweep in front of your own door and the whole world will be clean.” That’s good advice. If we worried about taking care of our own dirty doorsteps (choices, lives, children…) we wouldn’t have time to worry about anyone else’s. I had such an interesting chat the other day. […]
Turning around a bad day…

Thursday night I fell into bed utterly exhausted. I had struggled to stay awake until 9:30, admitted defeat and trudged off to bed. No sooner did my head hit the pillow than my eyes popped open. I tried, oh how I tried to go to sleep. At 12:30, I got up and went to find […]
When good is better than great…

A couple of days ago I heard the story of a volunteer firefighter. He lived in a town where there were regular firefighters, but if the emergency required extra manpower the volunteers were called out. He wanted to serve his community, but he also had dreams of rushing into a massive blaze and saving a […]
Thoughts on being kind

I woke up early this morning. My eyes popped open at 4:28am. That’s pretty specific, I know, but the first thing I saw was the glowing face of the clock beside me. I knew in an instant, with absolute certainty, that I wouldn’t be going back to sleep because my mind was already focused and […]
How a 3 year-old is helping me make sense of the world

Can you remember the last time you had a brand new, completely unique experience? You know, the kind of moment when you had to struggle to make sense of the world? Sometimes we find ourselves struggling to make something fit into our frame of reference, to make sense of what we are experiencing. It happens […]
The Fine Art of Procrastination

It’s a very snowy March day. I was hoping our Littles would be out for a visit today, but it’s kind of nasty out so I doubt the kids will brave the roads. The snow is coming down in a way that is letting us know Mother Nature still means business. It’s been an easy […]