The yard is a sea of dandelions. I haven’t been able to cut the lawn for a few days and the grass has grown tall. The dandelions, too, have grown tall enough to bloom with their bright, sunny yellow flowers. I’ve been sitting on the front doorstep eating my lunch, watching the neighbour’s honeybees taking […]
You’ll think I’m crazy, but I’m telling you anyway

I’m not quite sure what set the Anxiety Train in motion last night, but it was a doozy of a trip. I woke shortly after midnight. My eyes flew open, but I couldn’t see anything. Absolutely nothing. It was pitch black. It’s always dark in our room because the bedroom window is blacked out, sometimes […]
Walking a different path…

There’s a German proverb that says, “Sweep in front of your own door and the whole world will be clean.” That’s good advice. If we worried about taking care of our own dirty doorsteps (choices, lives, children…) we wouldn’t have time to worry about anyone else’s. I had such an interesting chat the other day. […]
Lessons in control from a squirrel

Sunday morning I was sitting in my chair working on a crochet project. The house was quiet, really quiet. My Sweet is working the night shift this week and so he sleeps during the day, or at least he tries to. I’m keeping an eye on the cat because she’s been a little demanding lately, […]
Light from the dark places

“Ring the bells that still can ring, Forget your perfect offering. There’s a crack in everything, That’s how the light gets in.” Leonard Cohen died this week. While I may not have cared for his vocal stylings, you cannot deny the man was a gifted poet. The words above are lyrics from his song Anthem […]